
    Title: INCAP Integrated multi-professional primary care for moderately to severely affected people with post-acute infection syndromes
    Start date: 1/2025
    End date: 12/2028


    The INCAP project is developing and evaluating a new concept for the care of patients with post-acute infectious syndrome (PAIS) within the structures of the German healthcare system. In this concept, case and care managers (CCM) at university institutes for general medicine register patients who are then referred to specialised GP practices. In addition, the PAIS case is presented to a panel of medical specialists, for whom the CCM prepares the documentation.

    Based on the panel’s decision, the CCM coordinates the individual patient journey, which is clinically monitored by the referred specialised GP practice. This new concept requires a variety of new data and process models to enable cross-sector and interdisciplinary interaction between the medical and domain specialists. The Artemis Group is responsible for realising the digital tools to support the new processes and data models for the application, medical documentation, integration, communication and evaluation. The main requirements analysis, system development, operation and evaluation of the digital tools and the processes that depend on them will be carried out in Reutlingen.

    This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health as part of the post COVID19 strategy.


    Title: Evolutionary Post-COVID Data model
    Start date: 5/2024
    End date: 1/2025

    The federal ministry of the interior and community in Germany has issued a competitive challenge to provide a data model to support Post-COVID research on a national level. Based on the actual Post-COVID research use-case the entire process from concept design, model specification and MVP Implementation has to be realized in three short-termed, funded and competitive stages. Main goal is to understand the general challenges when developing a complex digital data integration and dissemination solution. The learnings from this development process will then be used to define the structure and tasks of a national institute for digital data processing, to support digital transformation in Germany. The consortium of seven scientific and clinical institutions initialized by the Artemis group and the Institute for general medicine and family medicine at Tübingen university was invited as one of eight from 13 submissions to develop their concept in stage one. In stage two we were invited as one of five from the eight teams of stage one to develop specifications for a concrete implementation based on our concept. In January 2025 we are among the three final teams invited to develop an MVP of the software to operate our datamodel. The concept proposed by the Artemis Group is an evolutionary and ontology-based approach that enables the data model to be adapted to changes with the least possible disruption to processes, such as database migrations. It is based on many years of experience with the integration and communication of medical data.


    Title: DESAM-ForNet Portal
    Start date: 5/2022
    End date: 1/2025

    Research in the outpatient sector offers a broad overview of health issues and is systematically carried out in Germany by around 40 university institutes of general practice. However, efficient management of research projects in this distributed environment requires a central platform for posing research questions, assessing feasibility, organising practical research networks by the institutes, presenting results and integrating data for national research infrastructures. This project is the first to develop a realisable concept for an IT infrastructure to support a nationwide standardised management platform for clinical research in GP practices. The artemis group is coordinating the software development and prototype realisation of this infrastructure in close cooperation with the coordination office of the DESAM-ForNet initiative. All 29 partner institutes of the DESAM-ForNet initiative are involved in the requirements analysis and tool specification. The overriding aim is to develop a solution that reflects the needs of general medical research in Germany and is accepted by all participants. In addition to the actual portal, a tool is being developed for the management of GP practices that enables standardised data storage and integration of all participating GP practices in Germany. This data forms the basis for efficient planning of clinical studies in practice-based research networks. This practice register management tool will be implemented for the needs of each university institute that operates its own practice research network. A concept and prototype implementation will be realised for the portal itself.


    Title: FoPraNet-BW
    Start date: 2/2020
    End date: 12/2025


    Evidence-based medicine requires research. Whoever wants to answer questions relevant to general care today also needs answers from general practitioners. Research in general care requires research practices.

    The object of the five-year project is the establishment and consolidation of a sustainable network infrastructure of GP research practices and university institutions of general medicine in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg.

    The professional exchange of experience and knowledge within the framework of jointly conducted research projects enables the improvement of primary care for patients and promotes the strengthening of general care.

    The research practice network combines practical with scientific experience in order to answer practice-relevant research questions for GP patient care in an interprofessional research team.

    FoPraNetBW is part of the national initiative DESAMFORNET by the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (DEGAM).


    Title: bwHealthApp
    Start date: 09/2017
    End date: 12/2022


    Aim of this project is the establishment of an open and integrative IT platform consisting of a central server and a decentralized gateway application which collects individual health data for personalized medicine (PM). The mobile gateway is to be used to gather data from patients with long term health issues from their everyday life environments with as less interference as possible. Data encloses vital signs from body area sensors such as wearables as well as patient reported outcomes. The data collected can then be analysed to monitor the course of a disease between two clinical examinations. Therefor a non-commercial smartphone application and backend system (bwHealthApp) is developed to provide personalized monitoring of relevant data to support a long term therapy by an attending physician.


    Title: TELEDerm Interim
    Start date: 10/2019
    End date: 6/2021

    As a continuation and further evalutation of the application of teledermatology in the TELEDerm study, a very similar system was developed as a complete open-source solution. We partnered with AOK-BW in order to evaluate our system while operating in actual general practices in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. AOK-BW benefits from general insights into the telemedical process which add to the development of their own software which will be able to handle a large-scale roll out.

    We are currently in the process of preparing a full release of all required components which are necessary for a technical implementation of teledermatological consults in a German GP-centered setting. The system will be able to perform well in a research-oriented business model on a small to moderate scale.


    Title: TeleDerm
    Start date: 5/2017
    End date: 4/2020


    The TeleDerm project aims for implementation and evaluation of a teledermatology solution within a GP-centric primary care setting in Germany. The project is conducted as a controlled clinical trial and is coordinated by the Institute of General Practice and Interprofessional Care of the University of Tübingen. It is funded by the German Innovationsfonds, which is directed by the Federal Joint Committee. Amongst others, dermatologists, GPs, health insurances, health-care economists and IT experts are involved. The main objective is to improve care for patients with dermatological conditions by reducing the number of potentially unnecessary face-to-face consultations with specialists.

    Specifically, a store-and-forward tele-medical web-platform (KSYOS TeleMedical Centre) is integrated with the respective PMS to enable GP’s to perform tele-consultations with dermatologists from the Clinic of Dermatology of the University of Tübingen. The School of Informatics of Reutlingen University is in charge of software interoperability and technical support. The study is conducted in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg with 50 participating GPs in the interventional group, with a one-year interventional phase beginning in July 2018.


    Title: Reading Center
    Start date: 01/2014
    End date: 12/2019

    Description Clinical Reading Centers bundle the expertise of domain-specialists to provide high-quality and low-variance analysis of medical data. In this project, an ophthalmologic Reading Center platform is developed to process examination data in the context of clinical studies in ophthalmology.

    Project Partners Center for Ophthalmology, University of Tübingen

    Project status The system is in operation since 2015 at the Center for Ophthalmology at the University of Tübingen. It is integrated into the nation-wide study German National Cohort to provide the findings of the fundus images which are produced by the Center for Ophthalmology at the University of Tübingen as the responsible institution.